The annual acQuire Connect Tech Summit took place in Perth, Western Australia, on 6 and 7 November, bringing together more than 100 people working with increasingly complex geoscientific data challenges, to share, connect and learn.
This year’s theme, Right information, right people, confident decisions, underpinned the two days of presentations and keynotes. It highlighted how data is not only considered a business asset but is also the foundation for better decision-making and for companies looking to embrace new technologies to improve their efficiency and accuracy.
From implementing robust data governance frameworks to preparing for the next big technological advancement in the mining and resources sector, here are three key takeaways from this year’s acQuire Connect:
Yulia Merrill, keynote speaker at acQuire Connect, captured attendee’s attention by kicking off her keynote asking “Have you experienced reporting numbers that don’t match? Was it entered wrong? Did an analyst use the wrong calculation?” Yulia concluded there was one missing element – data governance.
These questions set the stage for two days of presentations showcasing examples where data once fragmented or siloed, is now organised, validated and accessible.
Yulia encouraged attendees to consider whether they were merely surviving in their existing data landscape or thriving and outlined the four pillars of a robust data governance framework to keep data organised and reliable: people, processes, technology and culture.
These pillars were then put into real-world applications with presentations from Vanessa Squires from Fortescue, Susan Androvich from Northern Star Resources, and Battulga Gantulga from Rio Tinto Oyu Tolgoi. Each presentation showcased an example of using the robust data framework built into GIM Suite, acQuire’s geoscientific information management solution, enabling them to make more efficient and confident decisions both in the office and in the field.
As industry leaders shared their experiences, one consistent theme emerged: when it comes to change management, the people and processes are just as critical – if not more so – than the technology itself.
(Source: Gartner Australia)
As Yulia Merrill aptly stated from the famous Peter Drucker, “culture eats strategy for breakfast” – a reminder that even the best laid change management plans and pieces of software can fail without the right culture and people supporting.
Keynote speakers, Brenda van Rensburg and Steve Sammartino turned conversation to the future of technology showing a glimpse of the future with George, the AI robot learning to share jokes, and Sammarton AI, a Chat GPT version of Steve Sammartino.
Both speakers acknowledged the industry has a lot to be excited about with the next evolution of generative AI and its ability to make decisions based on patterns in the very same data being collected and used.
However, with exciting advances in technology for the mining and resources industry, such as the use of machine learning for predictive logging and modelling, also comes the responsibility to manage data that is collected, ethically and securely.
As we move into the Web 3.0, Brenda shared three major security risks – data poisoning, vectors of injection and deep fakes. With more data collected than ever before, and regulatory bodies trying to keep pace, the onus is on companies and their security policies to ensure the way they interact with data remains efficient and secure.
Steve shared his final thoughts on the future of technology in the industry stating that knowledge is not the gap, the gap in business and success is courage. The time between new technology coming out and when a company adopts it, is the gap of opportunity, and the companies who embrace it and learn from their mistakes are the ones that will win. It was a reminder to all acQuire Connect attendees that as a community of data management professionals, we can allow ourselves to fail, learn, and grow together.
Thanks to the dedicated speakers and engaged attendees who shared their ideas, experiences and enthusiasm with us over the two days at acQuire Connect Tech Summit 2024.
You can read more here to learn more about how acQuire is helping the mining and resources industry get the right information to the right people to make confident decisions.