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22 Jul 2019 - Company & Industry News, Nova Network

New mining consultancies welcomed into acQuire’s global Nova Network

New mining consultancies welcomed into acQuire’s global Nova Network.

acQuire is pleased to welcome two new businesses into its global Nova Network – eBooting and Stantec. The acQuire Nova Network is a collaboration between acQuire and mining industry consultants to provide geoscientific data management solutions, using acQuire products for the delivery of services.


eBooting is a company with vast experience in the mining industry and a strong technical and commercial background, and hold the highest GIM Suite Learning accreditation with acQuire. The company’s main goal is to become a leader in the digitisation processes regarding initiatives linked to the small, medium and large mining industry, as well as making a contribution to the progress of projects in diverse stages of exploration.

eBooting is made up of a highly qualified team, trained to integrate, digitalize and innovate in different areas of this industry in order to improve production and efficiency.

eBooting cofounders Edgardo Cabello and Juan Vega believe the main incentive of this initiative is being able to deliver high quality data management services to global resources industries and to acquire new technologies to integrate them and make them available to clients for mining projects in the region at different levels of development, as well as different levels of exploration.

“We work to meet the needs of industry, certain that data is the main asset in every company for making solid decisions on time,” says Juan Vega.

eBooting provide professional data management services for companies with or without GIM Suite software implementations. Find out more about eBooting here.



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