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18 Mar 2020 - Company & Industry News

acQuire’s continued commitment during COVID-19

I wish to share important information about the steps we are taking in response to the COVID-19 situation and how we’ll continue to support you and your business.

Our response to COVID-19 is being actively managed by our leadership team, who are making decisions in accordance with World Health Organisation (WHO) and local government health guidance where our offices operate. We are actively monitoring conditions and our global and regional responses will change accordingly.

The safety and health of our staff, customers and community must come first, consistent with our belief in the culture of caring about the well-being of our people, customers and partners.

To ensure our company continues to deliver its high standard of product and service to you, we are encouraging all staff to practice good personal hygiene to prevent exposure to COVID-19, along with implementing the following measures:

  • We have robust infrastructure in place which now means all our staff will be working remotely for the immediate term.
  • All international and domestic travel is suspended for the immediate term.
  • All customer-facing meetings and service delivery will now be conducted online.
  • We are reviewing all scheduled face-to-face learning courses. If you have registered for a face-to-face learning course, our learning coordinators will reach out to advise if your course is moved to a virtual classroom or postponed to a later date.
  • We request staff who are feeling unwell to seek medical advice, where recommended.

In addition to the steps we’ve taken to protect the well-being of our team, we are reviewing our business continuity plans to ensure our operations run smoothly. We remain confident in our ability to deliver our products and services uninterrupted and have contingencies in place to deal with any potential disruptions. Our acQuire team remain available to you even if face-to-face engagements aren’t possible at this time.

Our technical support is, as always, here to help. However, due to the nature of the current situation there may be some slight delays to our response times. You can access our global support through our website or support email

We appreciate your ongoing business and we want you to know we are aiming to deliver the same level of products and services as always. Please email us at  if you have questions or want further information about how we’re managing through COVID-19.


Kind Regards

Alison Atkins
Chief Executive Officer

Please download the official statement from acQuire’s CEO here.



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