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Geoscience Analytics

Geoscience Analytics Limited provides optimised workflow-based solutions utilising GIM Suite and Power BI Dashboards. Their focus is towards providing solutions which:

  • Enhance and maintain ‘whole of mine’ data quality. Data, next to people, is your most important asset. There are not many industries where we do not know what we have until we have finally extracted it. Yet we must produce bankable feasibility studies based on drilling, sampling, analytical results and assumptions surrounding these, for example. In a way, it is a ‘Game of Mines’.
  • Allow geoscientists and others to easily access data in a variety of ways to complete tasks at hand.


Paul Fell - GIM Suite Professional

Paul Fell is the Founder and Principal Consultant. A Geoscientist with 35 years’ experience in the mining industry in Australia. He has worked for mining companies such as:

  • BHP Iron Ore (Senior Resource Geologist).
  • BHP Minerals (Senior Resource Geologist).
  • RGC Exploration (now Iluka Resources) (IS Manager).

From 2004-2019 Paul was employed by acQuire in a variety of roles:

  • Requirements Analyst.
  • Researched, designed and developed Learning Pathways and learning units for all accreditation levels.
  • Developed the desktop learning virtual machine and cloud virtual machines.
  • Implemented virtual classrooms and supporting processes and documents.
  • Designed and ran induction courses for new Technical Advisers.
  • QAQC specialist for acQuire personnel and customers.

In the UK, Paul contracted to acQuire, over 22 months, working on several projects:

  • Implementation scopes.
  • Site health checks.
  • Arena Dashboard to quality control drilling programs and geology.
  • Designed, configured, and implemented the first ever Core Management Facility utilising GIM Suite.​
  • Ran internal and customer learning sessions up to the GIM Suite Practitioner level.Designed, developed, and ran customer focused advanced Arena learning sessions.
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